Boulder Psychotherapy Institute

Advanced Training in Applied Existential Psychotherapy (AEP) — since 1989

An Experiential Psychodynamic Gestalt Approach   •   Boulder, Colorado

Becky DeGrossa


7345 Buckingham Road
Boulder, CO 80301
phone: 303-209-1832
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Therapist Information

Therapist Gender: FemaleYears in Practice: 0
Licensure or Registration: CoachNumber:
State: Fee Range: $200+

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Age Specialty: AllClient Gender: All
Client Sexual Orientation: AllEthnicity: All

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Becky has been helping therapists build full practices since 2007. After earning a degree in Computer Science from Cal Poly and spending 20 years at IBM, Becky pursued a master's in psychology and became a successful therapist. Now she combines her technical, marketing, and psychology backgrounds to serve the therapy community, and has helped hundreds of therapists in the fine art of getting clients. Becky is a "process nerd" meaning that she LOVES learning something new...testing it out to see if it works...tweaking it so it works better...and then systematizing it so it can be done over and over. This predilection has resulted in efficiencies that range from...yes, the loading/unloading of the silverware basket in her increases in marketing effectiveness for her clients.

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